Yoga Studio

We have built our reputation on providing fantastic yoga & pilates classes for everyone.

Class timetable

Gentle yoga

Mindful yoga. Energetic hygiene! Practice self care, self love and take some time for you. Connect to your breath and body and let go of your stress energy, worries and burdens. 

With a focus on action, alignment and breath, this practice features a nice tempo to find what feels good and listen to the body. 

This sequence is easy on the wrists and great for the spine. A good practice for those new to yoga – also great for fast paced yogis who want to keep a healthy and well balanced yoga practice. 


Gentle Yoga Class

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chair yoga

Yoga done whilst sitting on a chair allows the participants to enjoy adapted poses and stretches without having to weight bear on knees or wrists. 

The class is perfectly suited to those who have arthritic pain, mobility issues or suffer from fatigue.

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