As some of you will already know I have recently taken on a range of Aloe Vera products for health and wellbeing. I was looking for a reputable and reliable product to invest in and therefore did my homework thoroughly before making a decision. My research started online and I was amazed by what I was finding regarding the properties of this plant. I’m still learning about it 2 months down the line, there is so much that Aloe Vera can help with.
Originally the primary use of the Aloe Vera plant was for skin complaints, irritations, burns, cuts and even insect bites were all found to be alleviated using the gel from the leaves. This gel is found in the inner part of the leaf and contains 8 essential Amino Acids that the human body needs but can’t manufacture itself. Its uses can be traced back as far as 4000 years ago and was used by the Romans and Greeks in a medicinal capacity and by the Egyptians as a beauty product. I also discovered that a friend used the gel directly from her own plant to treat her kids nappy rash and that I have a relative in Australia who grows it in her own garden and uses it as after sun cooling gel. The gel also has the capacity to block UV light and assist the skin to fight off the environmental free radicals which can do damage to our skin. It has been found to have a great effect on the skin if taken orally as well. Eczema and Psorisis have been improved by injesting the plant. This is believed to be because it moisturises and encourages the skins healing mechanisms at cellular level. There are anti ageing properties too because wrinkles are reduced as collagen and elastin fibres are enhanced.
Aloe Veras benefits do not stop there however, digestive issues can also be tackled also. Constipation, IBS, ulcers and stomach pains has been eased for many sufferers by drinking this miracle gel. This is because within the digestive tract it has the capacity to clear residues and cleanse the bowel which in turn eases any pain and bloating. It has anaesthesia properties along with antibacterial, anti viral, antifungal, and anti inflammatory effects.
I even found a woman on the internet who puts the gel in homemade juices, smoothies and on salads, fresh from her own plant. The nutritional value of Aloe Vera is astounding, it contains vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 plus calcium, magnesuim, zinc, chromium, selenium, sodium, iron, potassium, copper and manganese. Everyone knows how much I love and value anti oxidants and this plant is full of them. Therefore it will naturally fight the free radicals in the body leaving the immune system stronger and healthier. Aloe Vera has even had success with regulating blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and improving blood circulation. No wonder it has been nicknamed the First Aid plant.
I had to have one of these plants for myself, intrigue and fascination led me to my purchase and it is fast becoming my best friend ( featured in the photo above). I never have much luck with plants but this one is thriving – it was meant to be. I wanted to find products that contained a significant amount of Aloe Vera, a hint just isn’t enough, so when I found Forever Livings items with such a high content I started trying them out immediately. Now, only a couple of months later I drink the gel every morning and feel so much healthier. If only I had discovered it sooner.
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